Friday, October 3, 2008


I recently was accepted into the Etsy Bloggers Street Team, for which I'm quite excited. Hopefully, that will get me some more readers. And it gives me the chance to check out other people on Etsy whom I might miss otherwise. One of them is Mama's Magic. Her name is Jen and she has a couple Etsy shops, one of which I find really interesting, although the majority of what she has on there isn't for me -- I'm not a nursing mother. Heck, I'm not even a mother!

But her nursing beads for mom and baby are really cool! They give the child something to focus on so that the nursing goes smoother for everyone involved. It totally made me think of my friend and her baby, George. George has a hard time focusing on nursing -- he tends to think it's "play-with-Mommy's-booby" time rather than breakfast, lunch or dinner time. It makes me wonder if Jen's really fun beaded necklaces would help my friend get George to focus on nursing and not goofing around. However, he is a boy, after all! ;-)

Jen's blog, which you can check out by clicking the title of this post, has some pictures of her baby beads and stories about her life, including the latest story, wherein her son BJ wanted to know if the vice-presidential candidates were still going to love each other once the debate was over. How cute is that? As a former teacher, I love reading about what kids have to say and ask regarding the world. Makes us rethink our own perspectives. Thanks, Jen, for sharing BJ's insight!

1 comment:

  1. You are most welcome! And thank you for this lovely write up about my jewelry!!! George sounds very much like BJ was... after all, my son was the one who inspired my Baby Friendly Beads in the first place! They really did help me -- managed to breastfeed for 14 months, in large part thanks to the nursing necklaces. anyway, thanks again for all your kind words!


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