Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So there was a new episode on last night. In fact, for me, there were two. I missed last week's because I had returned from my parents' house that afternoon and was exhausted! I went to sleep last Monday and hardly woke up to go, "Oh, there's a new Closer on right now."

Needless to say, I got no sewing done last night. But this morning, I did put together a diagram for a wall-hanging that I've been wanting to do forever! It's for my living room. Aquas, taupes, and brick reds. I love the combo of aqua and red. Saw it in a Martha Stewart Weddings and have been in love with it ever since -- I totally plan to use it if I ever get married. The fabrics are from a Moda line called Wuthering Heights. My mom bought me a bunch of fat quarters at a local shop, then I got them home and started to wash them and press them. That's when I discovered the name of the collection. It was meant to be -- I'm a former English teacher! The design is simple because I want to show the fabrics off. They are gorgeous!

This is sort of what I plan for it to look like, including the quilting lines. When your machine is 28 years old, you can't do a lot of fancy stuff. It's a Husqvarna Viking, but it's got a really short arm on it, and no variable speed. Oy. Time for a new machine. That's what the Etsy shop is going to be for -- making new machine money!

And I doubt I'll get any sewing done tonight, either, since there is a new Eureka on. Hm. Maybe I should move my sewing table into my living room so that I can sew and watch at the same time. I could sew during the commericals! EUREKA!

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