Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I am so sorry that I haven't posted for two months! I was distracted by NaNoWriMo for November, and then I've been sewing, sewing, sewing, but without the time to post. So here are four pictures of the tree skirts I made for my sisters for Christmas. Enjoy!

The above two pictures are of Mary's tree skirt. She owns a very retro-decorated house, and she really loves Christmas. She's quite sentimental, like I am.

And these two are of Ginna's tree skirt. She has an old house, but it's pretty modernly-painted and decorated, and she's not as sentimental as Mary and I, so I picked something not so Christmasy. She loves it!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I had so much to do this weekend, that I got absolutely no sewing done. Not even any designing. Why? I was distracted by kids again, George especially, which I'm sure is not a surprise. My friends and I took their babies to Boo at the Zoo Saturday. It was a lot of fun, but we all decided that we were never going to do it again. There were WAY too many people!

But here are some pics of the cuteness that was the group of kids we went with.

This is my friend Elena, her husband, and their two children, Thomas and MaryKate.

Zoo Boise's brand new, juvenile giraffes. I think the younger one was a little cold!

My favorites were the tigers. I love big cats!

George as Tigger and his mom, Jami!

George and his Auntie Hattie (me!).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Want to do something cool for someone totally random this year for Christmas? I do. I'm joining a gift exchange for bloggers (and lots of other people, too). It's hosted by LaBoudoir. Follow the link below to sign up. Should be interesting!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Okay, some of you know that I watch very little reality TV that isn't related to cops, except for COPS. That one gets old fast.

Anyway, the one non-crime-related reality TV show that I will watch religiously is Project Runway. I missed a few episodes here and there, but was always able to catch up thanks to cable's sometime annoying habit of replaying episodes over and over. Yesterday, I got to watch the final runway show and was totally impressed.

First of all, it was the first time the final three were all women. There was a woman from Africa and two very young girls from the States. Korto, from Africa, was one of my favorites this season. Sometimes, her work was a little over done. Other times, it was absolutely beautiful.

My least favorite was Kenley, and although I thought it was cool that three women made the final, I sort of wished she hadn't been there. Her attitude and even her voice pissed me off and made me hate her clothes, even if they were actually quite whimsical and lovely.

My favorite was Leanne. Her work was gorgeous. Simple and modern and fresh. And totally classic at the same time. I always judge the final runways by the adage, "Would I wear any one of these pieces in public?" When I can answer yes for each piece, that means the designer did a fantastic job, in my opinion. Granted, I'm not model-thin by any means, but I would wear each one of Leanne's pieces, even the ones that were entirely neutral (not my favorite color palette). And she won.

Congrats, Leanne, this season's winner of Project Runway. I love your collection!

Monday, October 13, 2008


So it totally sucked to be honest. The weather would have been perfectly crisp but for the fact that it was so windy chairs were falling down and we were shaking all day.

I got up at 7:30 Saturday morning to help my mom. I was ABSOLUTELY frozen by the end of the day. We only sold about six hats and gave away a couple of order forms. There just weren't enough people -- they took a look out their windows Saturday morning and said, "Screw this!" It was miserable!

I didn't get anything sewn for the event. I used Malu's bargello that I gave her for her birthday last year. That was all I had. By the time I thought of making stuff, it was too late. Maybe for the Arts and Crafts fair this year. Who knows? Oy.

At least nobody missed anything. However, the parade did break the five-minute mark this year! It was cute. One of the guys drove his tractor backwards, which was pretty funny. When I asked my mother why he did that, she goes, "Because it's Ray." That pretty much summed it up. Oh well!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


This is totally off-topic -- it has nothing to do with quilting or anything of that sort. However, I just have to share it because it's so damn cute!

Yesterday was my birthday, and my friends and their babies were going to come to my work and take me to lunch. Unfortunately, plans changed and they couldn't make it. So Jami, who has a little boy, George, sent me a birthday pix message last night. Here's the pic:

How cute is he? Don't you just want to pinch one cheek and kiss the other? And how about those eyes? They are totally taking in the entire world, aren't they? My Georgie Porgie is just so cute. I had to share!

An update, October 21, 2008:

I plastered this photo all over my work computer's desktop. It makes me so happy to close my programs and see Georgie's adorable face looking back at me. How can I not smile?

And he was "Idaho Correctional Facility Inmate No. 467915" at my costume party this past weekend. How appropriate for a five month old is that?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I recently got the opportunity to join the EtsyBloggers Street Team. It's really cool! I get to interact with Etsy shop owners who also blog about what they do. Guess what? That's me, too!

One of the requirements of being a member is to participate in at least one EtsyBlogger Blog Carnival. This week's topics are to either discuss your work or what you do to relax.

Since I work for a city government, I don't necessarily feel comfortable discussing it anymore than saying I run a library, basically, for one of the city departments.

However, I love to talk about my hobbies outside of quilting! I am a former English teacher and have degrees in English and History. I've been an avid reader since I can remember, and I've also been an avid writer since I was about 11.

Most of the time, if I'm not working on a quilt design, I'm reading a book or writing a story. Usually, if I'm reading one book, I'm reading three. Right now, I'm working on The Turning of the Screw and Other Stories by Henry James, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, and Lost by Gregory Maguire. I haven't really picked one to focus on at this moment. That's sort of what happens -- I'll dabble in about three until one really catches my attention and I finish it, then pick up the next most interesting one. I read on the bus to and from work a lot -- put on the iPod and ignore the people between whom I'm squished. Y'know, the men who are too rude to get up and allow another woman to have a seat and the boney, spiney women who think they can take up as much room as possible, especially if that includes poking you in the side for 20 minutes.

I get a lot of reading done with this method, elbows in my side and all. And I get funny looks, too, when I start to chuckle out loud about what I'm reading. It happens a lot. Oh well! If you're interested, I actually blog about my other hobbies: and Enjoy!

Monday, October 6, 2008


So I have all the strips cut for Mom's table runner. It might not be totally finished by the time Harvest rolls around this weekend, but at least Mom'll have something to decorate her table. And I'll get some coasters done -- quicker than potholders. Sets of four or six, depending on how much I have left over. I'm just going to do pinwheels since they're so easy. And kinda crazy quilting since I have such an old machine! Wish me luck!

Friday, October 3, 2008


I recently was accepted into the Etsy Bloggers Street Team, for which I'm quite excited. Hopefully, that will get me some more readers. And it gives me the chance to check out other people on Etsy whom I might miss otherwise. One of them is Mama's Magic. Her name is Jen and she has a couple Etsy shops, one of which I find really interesting, although the majority of what she has on there isn't for me -- I'm not a nursing mother. Heck, I'm not even a mother!

But her nursing beads for mom and baby are really cool! They give the child something to focus on so that the nursing goes smoother for everyone involved. It totally made me think of my friend and her baby, George. George has a hard time focusing on nursing -- he tends to think it's "play-with-Mommy's-booby" time rather than breakfast, lunch or dinner time. It makes me wonder if Jen's really fun beaded necklaces would help my friend get George to focus on nursing and not goofing around. However, he is a boy, after all! ;-)

Jen's blog, which you can check out by clicking the title of this post, has some pictures of her baby beads and stories about her life, including the latest story, wherein her son BJ wanted to know if the vice-presidential candidates were still going to love each other once the debate was over. How cute is that? As a former teacher, I love reading about what kids have to say and ask regarding the world. Makes us rethink our own perspectives. Thanks, Jen, for sharing BJ's insight!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So I've come up with a better design, one that I like better and is a bit more quilt-square-y, if that makes sense! It's not as full of large pieces of fabric but of quilt blocks. Whew! I like the idea. It'll be fun to work with.

This is what the design will look like. I turned the panel on its end so that it is more in line with the size of the quilt. This will be a twin-size so it can grow with him. And the panel will afford him the opportunity to have a racetrack on which to drive his matchbox cars.

And this is what the blocks will look like. Sorta. They are half-square triangles, not strips with set-in squares or whatever. I don't do that set-in stuff. Too complicated. I like my quilt blocks simple. Not too simple, but simple. And the extra space between the blocks on the sides and the panel will be taken up by strips of checkered flag fabric. Not the real thing -- I wish. That would be totally awesome! But fabric from this Vroom! collection.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So my friend Tisha from work is having her first baby at the end of October. She's been HUGE since July, poor thing, so he's probably going to be a honker! His name is Chase Allen Gallop. So cute. And his nursery theme is cars and trucks. I pledged a baby quilt for Chase at her baby shower Saturday. And I found the cutest race car fabric collection. It's brand new, thank God, so I'll be able to find some while I have money! I have mapped out a preliminary design. Tell me what you think!

Monday, September 29, 2008


So here's my plan for the bargello table topper for Mom's and my booth at the Harvest Festival. It'll of course be a little different than this, since I didn't take the size thing into account -- I was just trying to figure out if it would look okay when there were only six colors. Whew. Thank God it looks like it will. I'll let you know how it goes -- no worries there!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I have finished my sisters' placemats -- well, everything but the bindings. Those are going to be tricky for me, but my mom is going to help since she's a better hand sewer than I am.

Anyway, I've included a crappy cell phone picture because I can't find my camera right now. And I really don't want to worry about great pictures until I've finished them.

I'm moving on to potholders and coasters for Harvest Festival. I'm going to make some sets of four and sell them at Mom's booth at the Arts and Crafts show. I'm also going to make another bargello, but this one will be a bit different -- only about 12 inches deep, but quite a few feet long so it can be used as a table topper for Mom's table at Harvest. It's browns, oranges, and creme. It'll be really country-ish but funky since it'll be bargello. I really enjoyed making my first one, and I was really proud of how well I did with it, so I'm looking forward to trying again. It should be interesting!


My mother and a bunch of her cronies up in Cambridge started a Harvest Festival last year. The parade wasn't too successful -- it lasted less than five minutes -- but was entertaining. The big draw was the market. It was a farmer's and arts and craft market.

They are doing it again this year. It's on Saturday, October 11. It's going to be fun. It was a blast last year. I sat at Mom's table and sold her hats and purses and took her first commissions. I'd like to have something of my own to sell. Perhaps I'll work on something this week since I have no money and tons of time on my hands. I haven't sewn at all for a while. I only have two placemats left to quilt, and they are already pinned (thank God -- that is such a pain in the ass), so it shouldn't take long. It's just painful since the table is so short and I'm so tall. Oh well!

Hope to see you at Harvest Festival!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I love It's totally awesome! I've been on it for a while, and have tried (so far in vain) to get my mother to put her stuff up for sale. She makes beautiful knitted and crocheted wool hats and purses, etc. I started a shop as well. The irony is that I haven't posted anything for sale yet -- I'm not quite at that stage. But I started my shop to figure out how to do it for my mother. Piece of cake. And of course, now I have the bug to make quilts and then make money.

Anyway, why do I love so much? I haven't placed a single thing for sale, yet I'm on 14 people's favorite lists (not including Mom, and I was the one who put that on there)! Isn't that crazy? I'm pretty active on the site -- even if I haven't bought anything yet. But I always check the quilts to see if anyone's put up anything new. And I check the knitting every once in a while to check out Mom's competition, as it were. I just really enjoy the site. It's tons of fun! And there's fabulous things on it. Just check it out to your right -- or click on the title of this post to go to my shop! ;-)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I found a certain website through a friend of mine who has a different craft hobby than mine. I checked it out for my mother, who has the same hobby as my friend and then some. It looked like a great website. I really thought it was cool, and a little beyond my mother's powers -- which she would readily admit. I read later that there was a group of people who participate in my hobby, which you all know about. So I decided I would join this website.

I was on it for about a week or two, adding this and that to my profile and enjoying all the features that could be incorporated or thieved for my hobby. Then yesterday, I was basically told by the founders of the site that I was unwelcome. Others had complained about my profile because I didn't participate in the same hobbies that were on the site. And I was also told by members of other groups on the site that I wasn't using it how it was intending. I wasn't -- I admit that. But I wasn't the only one, and I certainly didn't expect to be basically banished from the website.

Therefore, I cleared all my things, quit my groups, deleted my friends, and said good-bye to this site.

PS: If you have any desire to know of which site I'm speaking, email me and I'll tell you. Otherwise, I'll not broadcast it. They know who they are -- I made my displeasure known.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


After I said I was going to sew. Instead, I finished reading the Hound of the Baskervilles. It was an enjoyable read, though, so I don't really regret not sewing. Besides, I was only three chapters from the end last night -- it was necessary. You can read my thoughts here:

Monday, September 22, 2008


I slacked this weekend -- no sewing. Oops. Tonight, I'll sew. No Closer anymore till January -- I'm going to have withdrawals!

I must admit, however, that I am intrigued by the new season of Dancing with the Stars. Hello! Misty May-Treanor! I hope she doesn't get voted off right away. That would suck. Not sure if I'll watch, though. I get bored by that crap easily. Not ballroom dancing, mind you. I love it! But ballroom dancing by people who don't really know what they're doing. And reality TV in general. The only one of which I'm a huge fan is Project Runway.

I digress, do I not? ;-)

Friday, September 19, 2008


I celebrate tonight -- because I'm going to sew. I was busy last night -- I had a volunteer orientation and then I hung out with my friends and their son and ended up babysitting for about 45 minutes.

He's really cute. I've included a picture just because George is cute, and now it is known why I get so distracted at their house. He's attempting to crawl, and he's talking, and he likes to stand up. He's 4-and-a-half months old going on 25 years, y'know? The picture is from when he was just a month old.

But he will not deter me from sewing tonight. I'm going to clean off my dining table and sew in there -- that table is higher than the piece of crap plastic one I sew on in my spare room. Plus, it's cooler -- thank God for eves on apartments. I have two more placemats to quilt, and I will finish them tonight. There's no more Psych on -- I'll watch it online when I go to bed. So I have plenty of time. I'm determined to finish them tonight and then prepare the bindings on Sunday -- busy Saturday! Mom's going to help me with sewing on the bindings. I'm not so hot at the hand-sewing. Oh well! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Again. I didn't get any sewing done last night -- just as I predicted. And I won't tonight -- Bones is on. Sorry, but I must watch David Boreanaz. And the Dog Whisperer is guest starring -- my mom loves him.

Anyway, I thought I should blare the fact that I have been commissioned by a friend to create a table runner for her dining room and a quilt and pillow shams for her bedroom! Woo-hoo! Gotta get started on the designs. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Once again, TV ruled the evening. I'm sorry, but it was the season finale of the Closer. I don't miss an episode of that show if I can help it. Ever since it came on, I've been watching it. Kyra Sedgwick can be a little annoying, but that's kinda part of her character. And I really watch it for all the other characters on that show. They are an amazing cast.

Anyway, it also looks like I won't be getting any sewing done tonight, either -- brand new Eureka. That's another one of which I've never missed an episode. It's one of my favorites. So, sorry, but sewing's taking a backseat tonight. And tomorrow, too -- Bones. Damn TV! Oh well.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I really did sew today. I waited until it was later, about seven this evening, since it's been so hot. And then I finished quilting another placemat. I didn't finish them all, but I have all four of Ginna's done, and two of Mary's. I'll finish another one tomorrow, perhaps -- although the season finale of the Closer is on -- and then all I have to finish once they're quilted is the binding. I have a crappy picture of one of Ginna's. Excuse the fuzziness!

Friday, September 12, 2008


To sew this weekend. Okay, wait. I think I'll live this weekend by one of Master Yoda's more famous sayings: "Do or do not. There is no try." So I will sew this weekend. By God, I will! Hee, hee.

My priority: those pesky placemats for my sisters. I can finish the quilting this weekend and start on the bindings, no problem. However, I've never done bindings before, so it might get a little ugly. Thank God for online tutorials! I figured out how I'm going to bind by reading up on Marcia Hohn's website, The Quilter's Cache. I go there all the time! She has tons of great patterns of traditional ancestry or her own, as it were. Great site. Check it out if you haven't already.

If you click the title of this blog entry above, it will take you directly to Marcia's tutorial on quilting binding.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Oh no, it didn't happen. I got no sewing done last night. Bloody hell. And I know I won't tonight, either -- Ghost Hunters AND Bones. Both brand new. It ain't gonna happen -- the sewing. Unless I do move my machine into the living room. Which I very well might. Hm. Thinking.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So there was a new episode on last night. In fact, for me, there were two. I missed last week's because I had returned from my parents' house that afternoon and was exhausted! I went to sleep last Monday and hardly woke up to go, "Oh, there's a new Closer on right now."

Needless to say, I got no sewing done last night. But this morning, I did put together a diagram for a wall-hanging that I've been wanting to do forever! It's for my living room. Aquas, taupes, and brick reds. I love the combo of aqua and red. Saw it in a Martha Stewart Weddings and have been in love with it ever since -- I totally plan to use it if I ever get married. The fabrics are from a Moda line called Wuthering Heights. My mom bought me a bunch of fat quarters at a local shop, then I got them home and started to wash them and press them. That's when I discovered the name of the collection. It was meant to be -- I'm a former English teacher! The design is simple because I want to show the fabrics off. They are gorgeous!

This is sort of what I plan for it to look like, including the quilting lines. When your machine is 28 years old, you can't do a lot of fancy stuff. It's a Husqvarna Viking, but it's got a really short arm on it, and no variable speed. Oy. Time for a new machine. That's what the Etsy shop is going to be for -- making new machine money!

And I doubt I'll get any sewing done tonight, either, since there is a new Eureka on. Hm. Maybe I should move my sewing table into my living room so that I can sew and watch at the same time. I could sew during the commericals! EUREKA!

Monday, September 8, 2008


I love it that I always have good intentions of sewing over the weekend, but they never seem to come to fruition. I spend the first part of the day being busy with friends and their children, and then I lack the energy to create anything once a I get home. Or to finish anything.

I am a terrible sister who needs to get her butt in gear. Last Christmas, I decided to make placemats for my two little sisters and their husbands. But we opened presents early so I didn't get to finish them in time -- and I never have. It's almost a year later. I can't believe I never finished. Shame on me. I think I'll work on it tonight if there's no new Closer episode.

But see, they're going to be cute when I finish them! They are the first things I've actually quilted, not just pieced. The first one to be quilted didn't turn out so well, but the rest look really good!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I know, an ominous title, but they certainly are poor, unfortunate souls. They are my only two finished tops, but they have never been finished. Shame on me. Of course, one of them belongs to a friend of mine now -- she sews, too. So here they are: the first is the top I created for my sister's wedding three years ago; the second is a bargello, my very first, and I was really proud of it, except for the fabric choice.

The above is the wedding table topper that sat under my sister's huge coconut hatbox cake.

And above is my first bargello. I'm totally making more of this -- I loved it. And I pieced the strips without using pins -- I apparently line up my corners better without the pins. Weird!
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